Friday, February 15, 2013

Hello Hottines

Hello Hotties!

Sorry I haven't been around lately, my RL kinda blew up in my face and I'm still sorting it all out but while I have some down time I thought I'd share a few more of my "WTF" pics for you all to gawk at.

The first two are Actions and Consequences:

This is what happens when you get Dressed in the Dark! 

And now we know why the previous had to get dressed in the dark, this one ate the flashlight! 

Some of you may know I have a few pet peeves. One being mesh boobs.  I honestly can't stand them. I don't like fake boos in RL why on Earth would I think they were cool or sexy in SL? Really? 

Here's a little taste of my personal fetish.

Yup, I know I'm bound to get a lot of flack for doing this but honestly, it's all worth it.  My hatred for these hideous attachments runs a lot deeper than the shallow, pointless and short-lived feeling of being insulted some of you might have for my De-Rendering habit.

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